The LOMAS family tree
The LOMAS family in question is basically from Derby (England) but was first identified in Hellidon (Northamptonshire) in 1644. It also has strong recent links to Long Eaton (England) and to Ivrea (in Piedmont, Northern Italy).
The SCUDERI family tree
The SCUDERI family in question is originally from Erice (Sicily), with strong links to Monreale (Sicily), plus Albenga (on the Italian Riviera) and also to Ivrea ...
The link between the two families is the wedding in the 1990s between Tonina Scuderi, who grew up in Albenga, and John Lomas, who grew up in Derby. They met in Ivrea.
A book of memoirs by John Lomas is now available on Amazon. It includes how John and Tonina met, the story of their company Nexture Consulting, and their work on making Erice records available online.
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